You’re being invited to the next level of your evolution as a leader…

It’s no coincidence you’re on this page. You’re being called to embody a radically responsible way of leading in this most pivotal time in our history. And as the changemaker and cycle-breaker that you are, your transformation and leadership will serve as an example for family, friends, colleagues, industry and community.

You’re an ending and a beginning all at once. That’s powerful.

As socially conscious leaders on a mission to do no harm, it’s our responsibility to explore all the ways we may unconsciously cause harm for others… even when we don’t intend to.

You need tools and practical steps for on the job, in your business, and in your life to create a safe and inclusive environment. No more not knowing what steps to take. What you need to learn is available so you can TAKE ACTION now.

Lives depend on it.

Here’s the problem…

You know that to be an inclusive leader, you need to learn how to detect unconscious biases and harmful behaviours and attitudes within yourself, your business, or your workplace to be a catalyst for change.

BUT, you get stuck…

You fear saying or doing the wrong thing.

You overthink out of fear of causing more harm.

You don’t know how to manage feelings of anger, guilt, or shame.

You’re anxious about being called out and dragged publicly as part of “cancel culture”.

You worry about being ostracized or ridiculed by family and friends for taking a stance.

The overwhelm you experience becomes paralysis and you end up doing nothing which you don’t feel good about.

Can you imagine?

Imagine being a welcoming and inclusive leader, speaking up in the face of injustice, and creating an environment that reduces harm for BIPOC and other marginalized groups… without the overwhelm, overthinking, and fears about getting it wrong.

What would that look like?

You’d know how to detect and recognize attitudes and behaviours that come from internalized racism and unconscious biases, and make different choices.

You’d know how to support BIPOC and other marginalized groups in a harm-free way.

You’d be a safe and inclusive leader that individuals of all backgrounds feel they can connect with.

You’d create a welcoming and inclusive business or work environment that attracts a more diverse group of people.

You’d advocate for inclusion and equity using a strong voice of allyship.

You’d be able to recognize when inequitable or harmful power dynamics are at play and respond accordingly.

You’d know how to approach difficult conversations where harm may be present.

And with each of the above, you effect powerful social change of which our world is badly in need.

If you‘re committed to doing the work and ready to become a catalyst for real change, I’ve got something for you…


A Radically Responsible Framework for Becoming an Inclusive Leader

A step-by-step program that equips you with the tools and awareness you need to keep you in action and engaged as you unlearn harmful unconscious attitudes and behaviours while learning a revolutionary way of leading.

The results

“Fazeena understands that as our awareness grows, we will face fear, guilt and even shame. She holds space for these feelings but then encourages you to manage and release the discomfort, to continue to move forward and create the change we want to make. From Fazeena’s program, I was able to expand my awareness and learnings in a judgement-free zone. I have made some significant decisions and changes in my business to reduce harm. We need people like Fazeena, who educate in a way that fosters and supports conversation and understanding.”

Jennifer KendallCEO, Acuity Path

“Fazeena’s approach to helping us unpack these important topics was so powerful. Her thoughtful approach to the course structure made sure that we had time for learning, reflection, integration and action. Fazeena’s framework really helped me support myself and navigate through any defensiveness, shame or guilt that arose so I was able to engage in the work. This was one of the best courses I’ve taken on any topic, full stop. If you’re ready to do the work, this course is for you!”

Ileana BritoSenior People Leader

“Fazeena is someone who not only creates a safe environment for diving deep, but someone who I instantly trusted to help me find the roots of my biases, help me shift my perceptions, and keep me accountable no matter what. I learned so much from the program. I feel like Fazeena gave me the solid foundation I needed to be a safer person, especially as a cis-gendered white woman in the self-empowerment space. Her loving yet powerful teachings helped me peel back the layers of my own biases and acknowledge places where I could do better.”

Alison FoyLife & Business Coach

“I am a student of the Do No Harm program and I highly recommend this program to business owners. I learned how to navigate and process my experiences as a white woman and how I can consciously lead in my personal and professional life. I loved learning from Fazeena. This is important work and can be heavy at times and Fazeena’s facilitation allowed me to feel safe and secure in my learning. I really loved the community calls because I was able to take my experiences and share with others who were doing the work. Fazeena’s ability to hold space for us and guide us into a deeper learning was incredible.”

Nicole WestonSelf-Love Coach & Mentor


MODULE 1: Grounding into the Work

We’re going to cover how your individual impact will create collective impact by looking at systems and relationship theory. You’ll understand why it’s so important for YOU to do this work.

MODULE 2: Knowledge is Power

You know you want to do this work, and you only get so far before something stops you. What could it be? We’re going to confront resistance by arming you with the knowledge of what’s happening in your unconscious mind that sabotages the process.

MODULE 3: Tools to Navigate Resistance

You’ll be introduced to a framework to deconstruct resistance that you can call upon at any time to stay engaged in the work. Note: You’ll be calling upon this framework long after you’re finished this program and you can use it in a variety of scenarios.

MODULE 4: Reclaim Your Voice to Effect Change

Shame is one of the biggest deterrents to doing this work and speaking up as an ally. Shame encourages silence. Learn how to reclaim your voice and develop a strong voice of allyship.

MODULE 5: Supremacy is Disempowerment

We’re going to turn supremacy on its head and explore how it feeds off of you as a power source. This module is about you taking true power back from supremacy unconscious programming, so you can be a catalyst for change.

MODULE 6: Confronting Fear of Loss

We’re expanding the learning from the previous module to look at how fear of loss perpetuates supremacy unconscious programming. You’ll be introduced to three ways you’re playing out the programming and learn how to unplug from it. 

MODULE 7: Exploring Duality

Superiority and inferiority cannot exist without each other. We’re going to unpack the dangers of duality and this co-dependent relationship. You’ll learn how to detect when you’re playing a part in the superiority-inferiority dynamic, so you can make different choices.

MODULE 8: Exploring Bias

We’ll take a look at the different forms of unconscious bias and how they create harm for BIPOC and other marginalized groups. You’ll learn how it plays out on an individual, organizational, and business level and what’s needed to do no harm.

MODULE 9: Practical Steps to Safe & Inclusive Leadership

You’ll walk away with practical steps to take in your business or organization. Learn about “auditing” your business or organization for D.E.I., eliminating tokenism, viewing language with a critical eye, and avoiding cultural appropriation.

MODULE 10: Sustainable Change

We’ll cover a blueprint for how you can take your learnings and build upon them for sustainable change. We’ll look at accountability, walking with integrity, and expanding your voice to speak up for change.

What makes DO NO HARM different?

I’ll teach you how to dismantle the carefully constructed defense structure built around the supremacy programming matrix, so you no longer allow the system to feed off of you for its survival. Yes, it’s feeding off of YOU without you knowing it. It’s what prevents you from going further in doing the work. Here’s where you “unplug from the matrix”.

You’ll learn about the specific beliefs and behaviours you unconsciously engage in that contribute to the survival of the system and how to effectively disengage.

Unplug → Unlearn → Learn → Apply

DO NO HARM combines unconscious mind transformation techniques, conscious communication tools, intuitive guidance, somatic practices, and lessons learned from my lived experience as a woman of colour.

While this program is highly educational, it’s also one of deep transformation, while learning a radically responsible way of leading.


$1197 USD
$399 USD

10 Video Modules ($997 value)

5 Live Integration Calls ($1497 value)

Worksheets, Checklists, and Prompts ($497 value)

6 Months Program Access With Updates ($197 value)

Additional Resources ($47 value)

Program access begins May 16. Live integration calls will occur biweekly on Wednesdays from 4-5 p.m. EST beginning May 25. Recordings of calls will be made available.


In addition to the DO NO HARM program, I’m throwing in THREE BONUSES to aid you on your journey to becoming an inclusive leader.

(Time Sensitive)

A 45-minute 1:1 call to answer your questions and provide additional guidance on your specific situation

(Value $397)


How to Handle a Call Out resource guide, so you can meet a call out with accountability, empathy and action

(Value $197)


Expand Your Vision aid to understand intersectionality, blind spots, and how to expand your vision to be more inclusive

(Value $197)


Fazeena Haniff is The Conscious Communicator – a communication expert with over 20 years of experience, a board-certified coach, speaker, writer, consultant, and facilitator of challenging conversations.

Fazeena specializes in and consults with business leaders on issues affecting BIPOC, as well as diversity, equity and inclusion, and unconscious bias training. She leads an inclusive coaching practice serving clients from all backgrounds to find and confidently use their voice beyond oppressive societal, cultural, and family dynamics that have kept them silent and feeling powerless. She also oversees the Social Impact Awareness training program for a prominent coach training company.

Prior to starting her own practice, Fazeena was an award-winning communication specialist and advised senior leaders and board members on a variety of communication matters at both the municipal and provincial levels of government in Ontario, Canada.

You have questions. I have answers.

Q. How will this program help me to better understand how I might be causing harm?

DO NO HARM will provide you with the knowledge and know-how to recognize unconscious biases and internalized racism, and the various behaviours and attitudes that result, including the ways they influence your decision making, communication, and how you show up as a leader. You will also learn how to transform these behaviours and attitudes and to be proactive, so you reduce the risk of causing harm.

Q. What if it gets too uncomfortable?

No sugar-coating. Discomfort is going to be part of the process. I have specifically designed the program to address discomfort and resistance upfront. I will provide you with tools right from the beginning to detect and deconstruct discomfort and resistance, so you can remain engaged throughout the duration of the program.

Q. Is this program enough to help me make a difference as a leader?

This is a foundational program and the work is long-term. You are going to experience unlearning, learning, clearing, and activation. You will walk away with a practical framework to make a difference — one that you will build upon and expand on long after the conclusion of the program. Past participants have gone on to attract and serve more diverse clientele, become trusted allies who advocate for colleagues at work with marginalized identities, and incorporated their learnings into their business processes to recognize and meet the needs of people with marginalized identities.

Q. Will I learn how to have difficult conversations with family and friends about racism?

While this is not a focus of the program, you will learn about conscious communication and managing difficult conversations. The information will certainly assist you with these types of conversations and others you will encounter. Past participants have shared that the tools they learned in the program have equipped them to manage all types of challenging conversations.

Q. Will this program teach me how I can better support BIPOC and other marginalized groups?

Absolutely. You are going to learn about marginalized perspectives, how best to provide support, and what you need to do to be a safe person of support for BIPOC and other marginalized groups. The live integration calls also provide you with an opportunity to get coaching for any specific scenario you need guidance on.

Q. What if this isn‘t the right time or I don’t have enough time to complete the teachings?

The need to do this work is immediate, and so if not now, when? Being able to come to this work and leave when you want is privilege. There is no judgment in that, simply awareness. We all have different degrees of privilege in relation to those who are most marginalized.

Having said that, DO NO HARM is structured to provide a significant amount of flexibility to accommodate schedules. Apart from the live integration calls that will be recorded for everyone’s learning and which are optional to attend, you get to choose when and where you take in the materials. And since you have six months of access, you can determine your pace and revisit the material as many times as you wish.

Still not sure if DO NO HARM is for you?

You’re a coach, consultant, health and wellness or healing practitioner, organizational people leader, or entrepreneur on a mission to effect social change
 You know you have a responsibility beyond using diverse stock photos to take action to create inclusive environments where all people belong and thrive
You’re ready to really look at what creates the lack of diversity in your business or organization, and the lack of diversity in who you attract at your events, retreats and circles, and in your social media engagement
 You’re committed to long-term growth and want to be a welcoming and inclusive leader, and to be an example to others around you
 You want to learn how to develop your allyship voice to be an advocate for change
You’re just looking to put a checkmark next to this kind of training and get it off of your to-do list, without having to take any kind of meaningful action for change
 You’re not really invested in or committed to understanding your role in oppressive systems and how you can do better
You’re only looking to make aesthetic adjustments to the way you do things, such as using diverse stock photos in your communication and marketing materials
You’re not cool with discomfort and would rather avoid discussing things that make you feel uncomfortable or you’re not willing to overcome avoidant behaviours when uncomfortable topics are raised
You believe talking about racism or oppression only attracts negativity into existence and would rather keep things “light”


$1197 USD
$399 USD

10 Video Modules ($997 value)

5 Live Integration Calls ($1497 value)

Worksheets, Checklists, and Prompts ($497 value)

6 Months Program Access With Updates ($197 value)

Additional Resources ($47 value)

Program access begins May 16. Live integration calls will occur biweekly on Wednesdays from 4-5 p.m. EST beginning May 25. Recordings of calls will be made available.

© The Conscious Communicator - Fazeena Haniff